An Overview of Three Principles in Chapter Three of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic (Rights of the People)

1 minute
-Friday 2024/10/18 - 18:52
News Code:5016
موسوی، خامنه‌ای و کروبی

Article 36: The imposition of punishment and its execution "must solely" be carried out through a competent court and in accordance with the law.

Article 40: "No one" may exercise their rights in a manner that harms others or infringes upon public interests.

Article 61: The exercise of judicial power "is through the courts of justice" which must be established according to Islamic principles, aimed at resolving disputes, protecting public rights, promoting justice, and enforcing divine limits.

In Article 176 of the amended constitution, three specific tasks are outlined for the Supreme National Security Council:

  1. Determining the defense and security policies of the country within the framework of the general policies established by the Leader.
  2. Coordinating political, intelligence, social, cultural, and economic activities in relation to overall defense and security measures.
  3. Utilizing the material and spiritual resources of the country to confront internal and external threats.

Conclusion: It is clearly evident.

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