A few points about the murder of Amir Mohammad Khaleghi/ But why was this security not considered before?

1 minute
-Monday 2025/02/17 - 12:35
News Code:13649
 چند نکته درباره قتل امیرمحمد خالقی/ اما چرا این امنیت قبلا مورد توجه نبود؟

 On the subject of the bitter incident of the murder of Amir Mohammad Khaleghi, providing accurate, timely and fast information

 Shargh wrote:

In the case of the bitter incident of the murder of Amir Mohammad Khaleghi, providing accurate, timely and quick information about this bitter incident helped to manage the facilities and attract the attention of judicial and police officials to seriously pursue the perpetrators and discover the truth about this incident. Also, organizations such as Tehran University and Tarbiat Modares University, relying on this incident, made their efforts to increase the security and peace of mind of their students in the form of announcements and media interviews to the authorities.

But why wasn't this security considered before? In the meantime, the safety and tranquility of educational environments should be considered as a basic priority, because any failure in this regard will have irreparable effects on the psychological security and peace of mind of young students."

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