9369 accidents and 62 deaths in the first 3 days of the 1404 Nowruz plan

1 minute
-Tuesday 2025/03/18 - 14:07
News Code:15166
۹۳۶۹ فقره تصادف و ۶۲ فوتی در ۳ روز نخست طرح نوروزی ۱۴۰۴

These statistics indicate the need to take more preventive measures to reduce the number of injured and deaths.

Head of the Rahvar Faraja Police:

From March 15 (the beginning of the Nowruz plan in 2025) to March 17, 2025, a total of 9,369 accidents have been reported in the country. These accidents resulted in the death of 62 people and the injury of 1945 people. These statistics indicate the need to take more preventive measures to reduce the number of injured and deaths.

The main causes of suburban accidents are not paying attention to the front (48%), inability to control the vehicle (24%), swerving to the left (10%), and sudden lane changes (4%).

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