The Death of the First Commander of Davos After the Islamic Revolution

1 minute
-Sunday 2025/02/23 - 12:19
News Code:13939
درگذشت اولین فرمانده دافوس بعد از انقلاب اسلامی

Brigadier General Gholamhossein Fazel, the first commander of the Army Command and Staff University (Davos), died after the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Brigadier General Gholamhossein Fazel, the first commander of the Army Command and Staff University (Davos), died after the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Amir Brigadier General Gholamhossein Fazel, the first commander of the Army Command and Staff University (Davos) after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and one of the commanders and veterans of the eight-year war between Iraq and Iran, joined his martyred companions today after enduring a period of illness.

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