Unprecedented and shocking statements from Mohammad Javad Mofidi: "Mr. Rafighdoost, who at one time imported oranges and bananas, suddenly became a weapons importer"

1 minute
-Friday 2024/10/18 - 10:12
News Code:3506
Video file

Mr. Mousavi Ardabili said that if we had experience, we would not have continued in Khorramshahr.

My whole point is that our wartime policy was wrong.

There were messages from regional countries willing to pay for the war damages to bring the issue to an end.

I heard something that might be incorrect: I heard that the Imam had a dream in which Saddam greeted him, and the Imam replied that this year, Saddam's end would come. Therefore, they named the year 1986 as the year of the final destiny.

Look at all the human, financial, economic, and industrial losses before and after 1986, where we experienced the highest economic losses, and the greatest number of martyrs and wounded after that year.

I believe we became toys for the world's arms factories and arms traffickers, and we were deceived.

In my opinion, the Iran-Iraq war benefited Israel, as two major military powers in the region were weakened.

They would buy weapons from traffickers, open the boxes, and find the missiles were defective, leading to massive losses in the millions of dollars.

A young man gained the trust of Mr. Rajaei Khorasani and received $20 million to procure the necessary weapons, but all that $20 million went to Massoud Rajavi.

This is part of the debate between Fathollah Jafari and Mohammad Javad Mofidi on the topic "Why Did the War Last Eight Years?"

The complete, uncensored debate is now available on the Abdi Media YouTube channel:


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