Haeri Shirazi: It is the performance of the government that is effective in Generation Z's perception of absolute governorship. If the jurist does not interfere in people's private lives, it can also attract the support of Generation Z. Our Marxist views have also been abandoned by Marxists!
Hairi Shirazi: It is possible that the experience of the head of government will cause a new behavior on the part of the leader. Consolidation of power multiplied embezzlement. Our presidents cannot have an impact with the dialog sovereignty because of the weaknesses they have.
Hairi Shirazi: If the president is a powerful person, he can interact with the leadership. Our presidents generally don't talk to the public.
Hairi Shirazi: Our community management is closed. Managing society is not about talent blossoming. In modern society, this quality of community management has definitely failed.
Hairi Shirazi: Many younger jurists disagree with the policies of the vali jurist. With the help of a progressive leader, we can achieve great growth. In China, with absolute concentrated power, we are seeing rapid development.
Absolute _ Faqih Province and Presidential Elections in conversation with Shahabuddin Haeri Shirazi Date of conversation: June 25, 2023
Haeri Shirazi: With this design, doctors are allowed to attend.
What does the conflict with America bring us?Why do you insist on religious traditions despite people's opposition?
Haeri Shirazi: Our people have matured and do not pay attention to these nice words.
Haeri Shirazi: Mr. Khomeini used to say that God has granted me the authority to take care of the people during the time of occultation.
Haeri Shirazi: The day the leadership hosted senior military officials, the meal was sabzi polo (herbed rice) with fish, and it was the most delicious food I have ever eaten.
Part of a controversial interview with Shahab-ud-Din Haeri Shirazi titled "Islamic Republic or Islamic Caliphate."
Part of a controversial interview with Shahab al-Din Haeri Shirazi titled "Islamic Republic or Islamic Caliphate."
The events of 2009 were a continuation and result of not recognizing the political will of the people.
After the 6th Parliament, the Guardian Council's oversight became extremely exclusionary, and anyone suspected of being a reformist was dismissed.