Haeri Shirazi: The unrest has one reason; not recognizing the will of the people

1 minute
-Thursday 2024/10/03 - 10:36
News Code:3172
Video file

The events of 2009 were a continuation and result of not recognizing the political will of the people.

After the 6th Parliament, the Guardian Council's oversight became extremely exclusionary, and anyone suspected of being a reformist was dismissed.

The protests in 2017 and 2019 were due to ignoring the people's economic demands, such as concerns over livelihood and rising prices, etc.

You prolonged the hollow and sloganistic anti-imperialism to the point that the possibility of further unrest exists at any moment.

The unrest in 2022 resulted from disregarding demands for social freedoms; people do not want mandatory hijab.

In fact, mandatory hijab has no basis in Islamic jurisprudence.

Imam Ali set aside a definitive religious ruling because of the people's will, yet you refuse to set aside something that has no religious basis despite the people's demand.

Part of a controversial interview with Shahab al-Din Haeri Shirazi titled "The Clergy in Iran: From Agreement to Confrontation."

The first part of this candid and highly controversial interview with Shahab al-Din Haeri Shirazi is now available on the Abdi Media YouTube channel:


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