Urgent - A few minutes ago, a Twitter account that attributes itself to the Mossad claimed that Sardar Radan, the commander in chief of the police, was assassinated.

1 minute
-Sunday 2024/10/20 - 20:23
News Code:5274
فوری - دقایقی قبل یک اکانت توئیتری که خود را به موساد منتسب می‌کند مدعی شد که سردار رادان فرمانده کل انتظامی ترور شده است.

  Sardar Radan's account and Tasnim news agency denied it.

Footnote: In order to neutralize rumors and prevent further corruption, the timely and accurate management is for the commander-in-chief of the country's law enforcement to immediately appear on a live television program or a public program on the occasion of a recent incident or policing of the country's law enforcement organization.


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