Dear and esteemed doctor, greetings

2 minutes
-Friday 2024/10/04 - 18:21
News Code:5570
دکتر عزیز وگرامی درود

In this note, I mentioned that a request for retrial has been made on behalf of the instigator of the murder of your late colleague, attempting to influence the Supreme Court, particularly the First Chamber. I have briefly touched upon this matter while avoiding further details for now.

I also refrained from delving into other legal cases involving Hojjatoleslam Dr. Barhani, whether individually or in collaboration with other esteemed lawyers, as it conflicts with the private information of his respected clients. However, I believe this reference serves as a significant indicator for those who have access to the Iran Justice System.

I did not address the information related to other alleged charges against him, which were mentioned in the prosecutor's office and the Special Clerical Court. In one instance, a final verdict accompanied by Islamic mercy was issued against Professor Mohsen Barhani, but it was not executed by the executing deputy of the court as alluded to.

I also draw your attention to five public questions directed at Dr. Barhani concerning matters he previously made public, and it seems he is unable to respond to these inquiries.

Even if he does not consider me worthy of answering, I await his response either independently or through any channel to clarify matters for the public regarding this apparent critic of the Islamic Republic.

You may have heard that Islam has constrained the hands of some, and in my case, it is compounded, as professional ethics sometimes limit my actions.

Regarding the case of your late colleague, the professor can likely again request a retrial, albeit with more evidence, or pursue the same route he took to refer the case to the First Chamber and exert influence, which has reached a deadlock. He could request the application of Article 477 of the Criminal Procedure Code from Mr. Akbari, the Chief Justice of Semnan Province, or even directly from Mohseni Ejei, the Head of the Judiciary.

My tweet pertains to the aforementioned matters, and I express my utmost gratitude for your courtesy, fair criticism, and respect.

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