Continued reactions to the reposting of Sheikh Mohammad Khajawi's video by Abdi Media / Akbar Alami wrote on his Telegram channel:

1 minute
-Thursday 2024/10/10 - 21:11
News Code:4494
 ادامه واکنش‌ها به بازنشر ویدیو شیخ محمد خواجوی توسط عبدی مدیا / اکبر اعلمی در کانال تلگرامش نوشت:

Following the release of a video related to the statements of a student, who attributed a sentence to the late Azizullah Khushvaqt, saying that one can also attribute the work that has not been done to the opposition of Wali Faqih. Like slandering, Hossein Khushgoqt, the son of the deceased and director of the Ferraro news site, reacted to this video and wrote;

"This uneducated mullah, who is one of the opponents of Ayatollah Khushgoqt (RA), has given him an unworthy and undocumented relationship. We and none of his students and companions do not know such a statement against reason and Sharia from that divine scholar. Interrogators and media artillery should be deceived by these scandalous lies.

Girim, the above quote is false. Are Saeed Emami's statements in his interrogations about acting on the fatwas of some people, which two of the intelligence forces arrested in the case of serial murders, confirmed in my presence in the sixth parliament, are they also false? What about Dr. Soroush's statements?

How about these father's statements on January 1, 2013:
"A red line must be drawn on the seditionists 2009 cannot be purified. The seditionists are infidels and apostates and are not purified"?

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