The first pictures of the injection of the first rotavirus vaccine to Tehran children/coverage of one million and 200 thousand children under 5 years old

1 minute
-Tuesday 2024/12/03 - 15:54
News Code:9246
 اولین تصاویر از تزریق اولین واکسن روتاویروس به کودکان تهرانی / پوشش یک میلیون و ۲۰۰ هزار کودک زیر ۵ سال

The vaccine is given orally at 4 and 6 months.

 اولین تصاویر از تزریق اولین واکسن روتاویروس به کودکان تهرانی / پوشش یک میلیون و ۲۰۰ هزار کودک زیر ۵ سال

At the unveiling ceremony of the rotavirus vaccine injection, a two-month-old child from Tehran received the first oral dose of this vaccine. 

The vaccine is given orally at 4 and 6 months. 

Rotavirus vaccination, the leading cause of severe diarrhoea in children under the age of five, began nationwide today. 

Every year, 173,000 hospitalizations due to rotavirus-related digestive problems are registered in the country. 

This program covers a target group of 1.2 million children under the age of five, and the country's annual need for this vaccine is 5 million doses.

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