Latest Health Status of "Sediqeh Vasmaghi" / Spouse and Lawyer of "Sediqeh Vasmaghi": Her Vision Was Lost Before Imprisonment / "Vasmaghi" Developed a Heart Disease in Prison

2 minutes
-Friday 2024/10/18 - 17:17
News Code:5003
آخرین وضعیت سلامتی صدیقه وسمقی

"Mohammad Ebrahimi-Zadeh, the husband of "Sediqeh Vasmaghi," has provided an explanation regarding the health condition of this Islamic studies scholar and researcher, who has been sentenced to imprisonment on charges of propagating against the regime.

According to Ebrahimi-Zadeh, Mrs. "Vasmaghi" has recently completely lost her vision due to a genetic disease. This has been confirmed by a doctor during tests conducted on April 16, 2023, when she was transferred from prison to Farabi Hospital.

The husband of "Sediqeh Vasmaghi" states: The loss of vision in Mrs. "Vasmaghi" is due to a genetic disease. It was not caused by her imprisonment. He mentioned that the name of this disease is RP, it is genetic, and many individuals in Iran are afflicted with it. In this disease, the progression of myopia gradually increases.

Ebrahimi-Zadeh stated that in late April 2023, Mrs. "Vasmaghi" was transferred from prison to Farabi Hospital. In this specialized eye hospital, she was examined in various sections including the retina, cornea, dry eyes, and eyelids. These tests took about three hours, and he was present during them. The results of the tests and examinations were recorded in her medical file in Evin Prison and handed over to the prison's health department. It was supposed to be sent to the legal medicine department as well. However, up until two or three days ago, these results have not been sent to the legal medicine department.

EbrahimZadeh explained the reason for transferring Mrs. "Vasmaghi" to the hospital, stating that in prison, it was noticed that she could not walk and was falling down. He said, "I am just a burden to my fellow inmates. I cannot bring my own food or wash my dishes. I even need someone for the restroom."

The husband of "Sediqeh Vasmaghi" says: The prison officers, after observing this situation, arranged for eye examinations.

Mr. EbrahimZadeh states that the results of the examinations at Farabi Hospital indicated that she cannot tolerate imprisonment. These results were supposed to be sent by the prison's health department to the legal medicine department, but they have not been sent yet.

He mentioned that there was one test left at Farabi Hospital to be performed, which was related to the visual field. His doctor had said there was no need to measure the visual field because she has no vision at all.

EbrahimZadeh says that before her arrest, Mrs. "Vasmaghi" had a visual field, and this central vision has been lost during this period, although the prison did not affect the loss of this vision.


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