The Written Secrets of the Revolution, Secrecy or Expediency? Why are the letters of Ayatollah Khomeini and Seyyed Abolhassan Banisadr, which led to his dismissal, not published?

1 minute
-Wednesday 2025/03/12 - 16:17
News Code:14870
اسرار مکتوب انقلاب، پنهان‌کاری یا مصلحت؟ چرا نامه‌های آیت‌الله خمینی و سید ابوالحسن بنی‌صدر که منتهی به عزل وی شد منتشر نمی‌شود؟

Abolhassan Banisadr, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces at the time, delivered a harsh speech in Hamedan

 Abdollah Abdi - Abdi Media

One question:

Abolhassan Banisadr, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces at the time, delivered a harsh speech in Hamedan

Ayatollah Khomeini wrote him a message and sent it to him through his brother, Seyyed Morteza Pasandideh, asking him to take a clear position on the issues he had envisioned.

In response, Abolhassan Banisadr wrote down his views and reasons and sent them to the Ayatollah

After observing this response, the founding leader of the Islamic Republic dismissed Banisadr from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and paved the way for the parliament's decision to vote the president's political incompetence.

The question is:

Why have these letters of the founding leader and the response of the Commander-in-Chief and the President of the time not been declassified and published so far?

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