When the companions disagree! One question: Isn't the Ministry of Intelligence a ministry? Isn't it part of the government? Is it possible for a ministry to act against its own government?

1 minute
-Sunday 2025/02/23 - 02:54
News Code:13920
 وقتی همراهان، مخالف می‌شوند! یک سوال: مگر وزارت اطلاعات وزارت خانه نیست؟ مگر بخشی از دولت نیست؟ مگر میشود یک وزارت خانه علیه دولت متبوع خود عمل کند؟

I remembered that yes it is. In different periods, the ministries, which were none, the advisors of the head of state were also against the government and their head, etc.

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