Was Trump's letter to Ayatollah Khamenei to the Emiratis sealed or opened?

1 minute
-Thursday 2025/03/13 - 19:51
News Code:14934
 آیا نامه ترامپ به آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای به اماراتی ها پاکت بسته بوده یا باز شده؟

In some channels and accounts of individuals in cyberspace, this strange claim has been made

 Abdollah Abdi - Abdi Media

In some channels and accounts of individuals in cyberspace, a strange claim has been made that the United Arab Emirates is aware of the details of the letter to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic.

I must say that it is unlikely that the open political envelope has been handed over to the UAE

Of course, they may be aware of the general content

It remains to be seen how much the draft prepared by the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations and Ali Akbar Velayati will be finalized by the Ayatollah if an official response is to be given.

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