Sheikh Sadegh Khalkhali and Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi and the Intervention of the Founding Leader of the Islamic Republic in Qualifying Them in the Guardian Council According to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

2 minutes
-Thursday 2025/03/13 - 20:43
News Code:14940
 شیخ صادق خلخالی و سید حسین موسوی تبریزی و دخالت رهبر موسس جمهوری اسلامی

At night, Mr. Emami Kashani [one of the jurists of the Guardian Council] called. informed that the Guardian Council, the competence of the

 Sheikh Sadegh Khalkhali and Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi and the Intervention of the Founding Leader of the Islamic Republic in Qualifying Them in the Guardian Council According to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

April 2, 1984

At night, Mr. Emami Kashani [one of the jurists of the Guardian Council] called. He informed me that the Guardian Council had rejected the qualifications of Mr. [Sadegh] Khalkhali and Mr. [Seyyed Hossein] Mousavi Tabrizi, who are candidates for the parliament and the Assembly of Experts. He asked me to tell them to resign, and I refused. They will not give up on this task easily. The Guardian Council will be accused of acting under the influence of the teachers' community. [The disqualified] will appeal to the Imam, Mr. Montazeri, and others.

April 7, 1984

Mr. [Ahmad] Jannati from the Guardian Council called and was upset that the Imam did not consider it expedient to remove Mr. Khalkhali and Mr. Mousavi Tabrizi and did not allow the members of the Guardian Council to meet. They asked me to help me make an appointment, and an hour later they told me not to follow me. Again in the evening, Mr. Emami Kashani [a member of the jurists of the Guardian Council] asked me to either present their contents to the Imam myself or get permission to meet, and I preferred the latter. I asked Ahmad Agha by phone to solve the problem. They made an appointment for them.

April 8, 1984

In the evening, the Central Council of the Party was in session. Examining the situation of the elections and propaganda took time. It turned out that the Guardian Council had not reached any conclusions from meeting with the Imam regarding the [disqualification] of Mr. Khalkhali and Mr. Mousavi Tabrizi, and some were upset that the Imam had prevented the removal of Mr. Khalkhali and Mr. Mousavi Tabrizi by the Guardian Council.

April 10, 1984

Ahmad Agha came and told the Imam about the negotiations between the members of the Guardian Council and the Imam [about the disqualification of Mr. Khalkhali and Mr. Mousavi Tabrizi] and that the Imam had told them that they would intervene in any case that they determined would be detrimental to the Revolution, and that they had referred to the efforts of some people, including the members of the Guardian Council, in the past few days to ban women from participating in the elections, and they denied it, and the Imam said that he would not be able to participate in the elections. Your own members came and said that the Guardian Council has such a decision.

Despite Ayatollah Khomeini's intervention and confirmation of their qualifications
Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi did not vote (and he himself claims that the vote count was rigged), but he voted for the Assembly of Experts and the Guardian Council annulled the entire provincial elections.

Sheikh Sadegh Khalkhali voted for the Majles, but Sheikh Mohammad Momen, a member of the Guardian Council, according to Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, wrote to Sheikh Mohammad Yazdi, the head of the Judicial and Legal Commission of the Majles at the time, so that his credentials would not be confirmed, but both men entered the third Majlis with some margins.

Strange politics is cruel

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