Home/Politics/securityPublish/Do not share any personal information and country code and number until you know the person's identityRead1 minute -Sunday 2024/11/10 - 18:53News Code:8249Share These people call or message you under different covers and ask you to give them so-and-so informationAbusers and fraudsters use various tactics to obtain your personal information to access systems, banking applications, social network accounts, etc. They are. These people call or message you in different guises and ask you to give them such information and immediately with tricks, virtual and bank accounts, etc. They take it. Do not, under any circumstances, provide the code sent to your mobile phone to anyone under any program. Enable two-step password for your Telegram to make it difficult for forgers to access. 3-Under no circumstances if someone sends a message with the account of your friends or relatives and asks you for information, money, etc. Don't believe it. 4-Under no circumstances, except the card number and night number, provide other details to others. When swiping the card in the cooker, enter your password as much as possible. If your Telegram is hacked, delete your account immediately, not your software. Do not click on anonymous links in Telegram. Most people who are trapped are fooled by ignorance and in the shortest possible time. Many of them may even have higher education. Take less than a minute, register and share your opinion under this post.Insulting or inciting messages will be deleted.Sign UpComming Up Next Mrs. Daemi, do the friends of the prisoners and the families of the women's ward of Evin Prison really never pay attention to the fact that they are in the vicinity of Ward 209 of the prison?خواندن 1 minute Majid Tavakoli's wife announces that her husband's final verdict has been issued by the Prosecutor's Board of Branch 21 of the Tehran Court of Appealsخواندن 0 Nasrin Shakermi was arrested again.خواندن 1 minute The lawyer of Reza Walizadeh, a former reporter of Radio Farda, his client was sentenced in the Revolutionary Court to 10 years in prison, a ban on residence in Tehran and neighboring provinces, a ban on leaving the country and a ban on membership in poliخواندن 0 Army Air Force fighters maneuver at Kish Air Showخواندن 0Most ReadMemories of Akbar Hashemi - February 20, 2000 - Meeting with Abdullah Jasbi and Concerns About Election ResultsMovie / Where is Commander Morteza Talaie?Akbar Hashemi's memoirs - 1999 September 10 - The two-person political negotiations with Vaez Tabasi continued until he was escorted to Tehran, where Hashemi apparently decided to seriously participate in the sixth parliamentary elections.The records of the recent periods of the Islamic Council showed that the parliament is not in charge of affairs and cannot interfere or pass resolutions on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces at any level, let alone supervise.What will be the future of Iran with the announced candidates for the presidential election? / Conversation with Dr. Taghi Azad AramakiCan I feel tired with you?A Basiji veterinarian was appointed head of the health network instead of an otolaryngologist.Akbar Hashemi's memoirs - 1999 September 5 - The meeting of the senior managers of the judiciary with Hashemi Rafsanjani and their complaint about the neglect of Hashemi Shahroudi, the new head of the judiciary, continues.Memories of Akbar Hashemi - 1999 September 7 - In continuation of the efforts of the late Vaez Tabasi, who used to encourage Hashemi to participate in the elections in frequent meetings, this time he also met with Hashemi.Akbar Hashemi's memories - 1999 September 9 - Continued visits to the belongings, buildings and works of Astan Quds