Qassem Tabrizi: Mr. Montazeri says in his memoirs that the experts wanted to make Ahmad Agha the leader, which is an insult to them.

1 minute
-Saturday 2024/12/21 - 23:42
News Code:10459
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Mr. Montazeri himself was the head of the Constitutional Assembly and then acted against the Constitution.

Mr. Montazeri himself was the head of the Constitutional Assembly and then acted against the Constitution.
Because of his anger, Mr. Montazeri did not understand jurisprudence or experts.
From 1985 to 1986, Mr. Montazeri distanced himself from the regime and the revolution under the influence of those around him.
Mr. Montazeri's problem is nothing but confrontation with the Imam.
The Imam also tried to save him with advice.
Listen to the full debate between Mr. Qassem Tabrizi and Mr. Mojtaba Lotfi in the New Letter here.


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