Greetings to you. It's strange that our oil industry claims to be unaware of this issue, isn't it?

1 minute
-Monday 2024/10/07 - 21:01
News Code:6421
درود بر شما عجیب است نفت ما از این موضوع اظهار بی اطلاعی میکند؟

If Mohsen Delaviz was not the main candidate for the Ministry of Oil, then why did they initially reverse the opinions of Mohammad Javad Zarif and later Mohammad Reza Aref at the last moment under pressure from Gholamreza Tajgardoon and Bijan Namdar Zangeneh?

Who instructed Ali Abdolali Zadeh to secretly take a program from him and initiate security consultations for inquiries?

Honorable and influential individuals, as soon as I became aware of the situation and contacted them for verification like other news, asked me to refrain from disclosing his name.

By whom did Bijan Namdar Zangeneh learn about this news and try to avoid it?

The individuals are identifiable, accessible, and easily reachable for denial. Is that hard?

It does not matter to me who the president is, let alone the ministers of the government.

In this cabinet and government, as I mentioned earlier, I have not sold myself against or for anyone, despite many media ambiguities or rented accounts. The value of my pen is my greatest honor.

Wish you success.

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