In my short interview today, about the recent interview with Brigadier General Mohsen Rafiqdoust, I said: "In my opinion, these types of interviews are a kind of show of power of parts of the scattered power, even in the face of Ayatollah Khamenei...

1 minute
-Monday 2025/03/10 - 23:49
News Code:14777
Video file

 It is delicately negotiating and exchanging information (as is customary for all intelligence services in the world) and de-escalating tensions with the United States.

It is delicately negotiating and exchanging information (as is customary for all intelligence services in the world) and de-escalating tensions with the United States.

General Mohsen Rafiqdoost, the most well-known official in the procurement of the IRGC, the Ministry of the Revolutionary Guards, and the Foundation of the Oppressed and Veterans of the Islamic Revolution, became the face and face of the current at the most sensitive time of the Islamic Republic's political intelligence, who exploited his record to disrupt the Ayatollah's purposeful game.

However, the arrangement of its power and its media manifestation is that this effort has been foiled for the time being, with the help of prediction and intelligence.

Nothing happens in a vacuum; I will write more later.

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