Home/PoliticsIn my short interview today, about the recent interview with Brigadier General Mohsen Rafiqdoust, I said: "In my opinion, these types of interviews are a kind of show of power of parts of the scattered power, even in the face of Ayatollah Khamenei...Read1 minute -Monday 2025/03/10 - 23:49News Code:14777ShareVideo file It is delicately negotiating and exchanging information (as is customary for all intelligence services in the world) and de-escalating tensions with the United States.It is delicately negotiating and exchanging information (as is customary for all intelligence services in the world) and de-escalating tensions with the United States.General Mohsen Rafiqdoost, the most well-known official in the procurement of the IRGC, the Ministry of the Revolutionary Guards, and the Foundation of the Oppressed and Veterans of the Islamic Revolution, became the face and face of the current at the most sensitive time of the Islamic Republic's political intelligence, who exploited his record to disrupt the Ayatollah's purposeful game.However, the arrangement of its power and its media manifestation is that this effort has been foiled for the time being, with the help of prediction and intelligence.Nothing happens in a vacuum; I will write more later. Take less than a minute, register and share your opinion under this post.Insulting or inciting messages will be deleted.Sign UpComming Up Next Ayatollah Khamenei: They say "we will not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons", if we wanted to build nuclear weapons, the United States would not be able to stop usخواندن 0 Davood Heshmati and a Narrative by Anis the Painterخواندن 0 Ayatollah Khamenei: Sanctions are gradually becoming ineffective, according to the enemy's admissionخواندن 1 minute Again, under pressure from Tajgerdoon, Mojtaba Asgari was appointed to the previous position. Aren't Haj Gholam's actions beautiful?خواندن 1 minute Reaction of a member of the Office for the Preservation and Publication of Ayatollah Khamenei's Works to a Part of Abdimedia's Interview with Roghani Zanjaniخواندن 1 minuteMost ReadMemories of Akbar Hashemi - February 20, 2000 - Meeting with Abdullah Jasbi and Concerns About Election ResultsMovie / Where is Commander Morteza Talaie?Akbar Hashemi's memoirs - 1999 September 10 - The two-person political negotiations with Vaez Tabasi continued until he was escorted to Tehran, where Hashemi apparently decided to seriously participate in the sixth parliamentary elections.The records of the recent periods of the Islamic Council showed that the parliament is not in charge of affairs and cannot interfere or pass resolutions on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces at any level, let alone supervise.What will be the future of Iran with the announced candidates for the presidential election? / Conversation with Dr. Taghi Azad AramakiCan I feel tired with you?A Basiji veterinarian was appointed head of the health network instead of an otolaryngologist.Akbar Hashemi's memoirs - 1999 September 5 - The meeting of the senior managers of the judiciary with Hashemi Rafsanjani and their complaint about the neglect of Hashemi Shahroudi, the new head of the judiciary, continues.Memories of Akbar Hashemi - 1999 September 7 - In continuation of the efforts of the late Vaez Tabasi, who used to encourage Hashemi to participate in the elections in frequent meetings, this time he also met with Hashemi.Akbar Hashemi's memories - 1999 September 9 - Continued visits to the belongings, buildings and works of Astan Quds