Mr. Sahfi, which official supervisory body has given such a report to the prosecutor so that it can be investigated and then go to court? Which people with information gave the prosecutor at least an official report, not even a complaint except for the me

1 minute
-Monday 2025/01/20 - 13:18
News Code:12067
جناب صحفی درود کدام نهاد رسمی نظارتی چنین گزارشی به دادستان داده تا رسیدگی شود و بعد به دادگاه برود؟ کدام اشخاص با اطلاعی به دادستان حداقل گزارش رسمی دادند نه حتی شکایت جز فضای رسانه؟

A Sheikh Mostafa Sanaeifar with all his judicial records and a lawyer 


A Sheikh Mostafa Sanaeifar, with all his judicial records and as a lawyer, wrote two letters to the Head of the Judiciary and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, and did not submit a single documented report to the Prosecutor, let alone a complaint!! He also explained that there was no file and.....

Why doesn't Bijan Namdar Zanganeh complain? Strange politics is cruel. Not?

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