Mohammad Mohajeri, Conservative Political Activist: Larijani's Disqualification Was Due to Personal Jealousy

1 minute
-Saturday 2024/11/30 - 19:00
News Code:9046
محمد مهاجری، فعال سیاسی اصولگرا به جماران گفت:

Mohammad Mohajeri, a conservative political activist, told Jomaran:

 Mohammad Mohajeri, a conservative political activist, told Jomaran:

 Some institutions may have been concerned about Larijani's views. Larijani has plans and solutions for the present and future of the country.

 Larijani's political activities outside the government and beyond the regime are much more effective.

 Larijani's recent trip to Syria and Lebanon, followed by interviews with several media outlets, shows that he has plans and solutions for the country's present and future. If the conditions are right for his ideas to be expressed, he can help solve the problems with his effective presence.

 Larijani has long been known as a problem-solver among the country's intellectuals, and there has been jealousy towards him. In my opinion, his disqualification in 2021 was also due to a series of personal jealousies.

 Some institutions may have been worried about Larijani's views, but those views are now accepted by the system, including reducing tensions between Iran and the world and the region.

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