Mr. Ahmadnia Darood, I am glad that after the publication of the authentic news of the "political game to change the head of the Central Bank", which I deliberately republished to prevent it, the creeping efforts have now come to an impasse.

1 minute
-Tuesday 2025/02/11 - 16:22
News Code:13321
جناب احمد نیا درود خوشحالم که پس از انتشار خبر موثق «سیاسی بازی برای تغییر رییس کل بانک مرکزی» که تعمدا برای مانع شدن، باز نشر کردم، تلاش های خزنده، فعلا با بن بست مواجه شد.

Of course, this is not my defense of Mohammadreza Farzin and other officials of that bank, and are you careful about the efforts of those three people for the Energy Organization?

تغییر رئیس کل بانک مرکزی
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