Greetings, Mr. Prophets, don't worry too much!

1 minute
-Tuesday 2024/10/22 - 20:06
News Code:5916
درود جناب نبویان، جنابعالی خیلی نگران نباشید!

Your Excellency, don't worry too much, the possible government of Masoud Bizikian will be controlled with hints, as you were told, so that you are not a candidate for the 12th Parliament for the time being, and there will be no changes in the general policies.

Moreover, today, Dr. Kamal Kharazi officially expressed this lack of change in foreign policy, to complete another argument.

It remains the selection of the cabinet and other sensitive and important responsibilities of the government and its surroundings, which, despite the need for security inquiries and the existence of numerous other supervisory bodies and a more revolutionary parliament, there will be no concern for you and the powerful parties and the Revolutionary Front and other supervisory bodies.  .

Are you really worried?




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