Dear Mr. Baqi Darood, do you know of the behind the scenes and immoral collusion in the gathering, for example, in the name of lifting the siege?

2 minutes
-Sunday 2025/02/16 - 12:43
News Code:13618
جناب آقای باقی درود آیا از پشت صحنه و تبانی های غیر اخلاقی در تجمع مثلا بنام رفع حصر خبر دارید؟

I am sure that you are more honorable than you know personally, I have said many times and I reiterate that one day the intelligence people will disclose the agreements and agreements in any way.

I am sure that you are more honorable than you know personally

I have said many times and I reiterate that one day the intelligence officials will expose the agreements and the agreements in any way, I am worried.

He is not worried about the dissemination of information, but he is worried about people's harsh judgment of people who have a name and respect for themselves.

I have written several times to others, and you should know that I first addressed myself, saying, "Woe to the day the curtain falls."

Intelligence documents in the new era will not wait for the change of the Islamic Republic to be published.

I had said that within the various intelligence and security organizations of the country, there is such factionalism or higher permission and nested policies that for a higher purpose, documents and details of the negotiations are published or exposed.

As far as I know, you are still proud if one day all your interrogations in your intelligence and judicial files are exposed and published, and even the videos of your interrogation are published.

But will everyone be like this?

Sooner or later, these documents will be published for whatever reason, reason, and justification; sooner or later, but they do not have fuel or fuel.

May it be remembered

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