Assigning the initial start of the investigation of the application of Article 477 to the Heads of the Provincial Judiciary, the Prosecutor General, the Supreme Court, and the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces does not negate the powers of the He

1 minute
-Wednesday 2025/03/12 - 14:15
News Code:14866
 واگذاری شروع اولیه رسیدگی به درخواست اعمال ماده ۴۷۷ به رییسان کل دادگستری استانها و دادستان کل و دیوان عالی کشور و سازمان قضایی نیروهای مسلح نافی اختیارات رییس قوه نیست...

 And there are several cases that he has personally investigated and referred to the Court

And there are several cases that he has personally investigated and referred to the Court

Boldly, my impression and the existing custom is that Article 477 is a judicial action of nature because the special branches of the Court of Basis issue decisions according to the opinion of the Head of the Judiciary.

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