According to Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa, the Islamic Republic government is the absolute owner of foreign currency and can do whatever it wants with its property, including playing with it…

2 minutes
-Sunday 2025/02/09 - 12:59
News Code:13181
طبق فتوای آیت‌الله خمینی، دولت جمهوری اسلامی مالک مطلق ارز است و مالک با ملک خود هر کار بخواهد میکند، منجمله بازی...‌حال که از شیخ حسن روحانی مطلبی آوردید بد نیست به مطلب دیگر و بسیار مهم وی نیز توجه کنید

 Hassan Rouhani, the then-president, revealed this confidential matter in a government cabinet meeting on June 24, 2020:

 "At the same time, exporters must understand that this currency belongs to the government. Those who sent the currency abroad did so with the help of engineers and workers educated in our schools and universities, using subsidized energy, transportation systems that received subsidies, and workers who were supported by the government. This means that a significant part of the work was carried out by the government. The late Imam’s fatwa also stated that foreign currency belongs to the government, and its price is also determined by the government. Therefore, we are the owners of the currency."

 Furthermore, in the book "Imam Khomeini as Narrated by Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani" on page 313, it is written:

 "A major part of our foreign currency supply comes from the oil we sell and the money we receive for it. This currency belongs to the government, and of course, Imam’s opinion on this matter was the same."

 This issue had not been publicly discussed before and was considered a classified matter.

 May God assist you.


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