Exclusive - Seyyed Mehdi Mirsalim was released with the pardon of Ayatollah Khamenei

1 minute
-Friday 2024/09/27 - 23:18
News Code:2481
اختصاصی - سید مهدی میرسلیم با عفو آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای آزاد شد

Abdi Media - Seyyed Mehdi Mirslim, son of Mustafa Mirsalim, who was convicted of the security crime of consensus and collusion against the security of the country and with severe punishment, was once pardoned by Ayatollah Khamenei for half of his sentence; Again, despite escaping from prison for more than 200 days and being convicted of this crime; He was released from prison using the recent pardon granted by the leader of the Islamic Republic.

The news of Mehdi Mirslim's imprisonment for security crime was first revealed by Abdi Media.

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