Mirslim: Cyber ​​space is left without supervision / The fundamentalists are appalled by the norm violations / The reformists are looking for the opportunity of the riots to compensate for the inefficiency of the past years.

1 minute
-Friday 2024/09/20 - 12:16
News Code:1801
میرسلیم: فضای مجازی، بی در و پیکر باقی مانده/ اصولگرایان نسبت به هنجارشکنی‌ها بهت زده شده‌اند / اصلاح‌طلبان از فرصت آشوب‌ها به دنبال جبران ناکارآمدی در سال‌های گذشته هستند

The 11th Parliament lost its first year in the false hope of changing the ways of the 12th government

The head of the central council of the Islamic Mutalfa spectrum and Tehran's representative in the parliament said: Our society is greatly affected by the programs presented in the virtual space. Unfortunately, the virtual space has been left unsupervised, and from there there is an attack of ruthlessness not only against culture and art, but against beliefs, spirituality, religion, and religious rituals, so huge cultural damage has been done to our society; The cultural dimensions of the combined war they have waged against us is not similar in any country.

Mirslim, who recently reported the news of his son's arrest on charges of "consensus and collusion with the intention of acting against the security of the country" by Abdi Media Afsha, in response to the rumors surrounding his life, said: "He has never claimed innocence in personal matters and he has welcomed the compassionate reminders of others. Especially when it is expressed in a fraternal manner and without the intention of destruction.

Of course, you and your companions should be angry with cyberspace and independent media and consider filtering cyberspace as the only solution.

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