A thoughtful note by Dr. Mustafa Moin, mentioning that he did not participate in the first and second presidential elections, but he introduced Dr. Masoud Pezeshkian as the right candidate

2 minutes
-Thursday 2024/10/17 - 17:30
News Code:6005
یادداشت قابل تامل دکتر مصطفی معین با ذکر اینکه در دو دوره اول و دوم انتخابات ریاست جمهوری شرکت نکرده اما دکتر مسعود پزشکیان را نامزد اصلح معرفی میکرده است

"Good luck!"

Until now, in response to people's questions about the recent presidential elections, criticizing the legitimacy of the elections, I introduced Mr. Dr. Mezikian as the "correct candidate" due to my long-standing acquaintance with him since working in the reform government. And I wish them success in this assigned responsibility.

I did not participate in the first or second phase of these elections in protest against the electoral structure of the election, which I considered unfair and unfree, and the analysis I had of the future prospects, but I did not want to officially announce it, so that I would be solely responsible for my actions. !

Now, congratulating the informed nation of Iran, I hope that the president-elect, by emphasizing his covenant with the nation, will pay attention to fulfilling the following national demands, and in case of creating obstacles and barriers to their realization, he will be accountable and enlighten the public. , give the gift of the presidency upon meeting it!

1- Tension reduction and negative balance policy in foreign policy and removal of sanctions based on national interests
2- Presenting a legal bill to the parliament to cancel the law on the discretionary supervision of the Guardian Council in elections

3- Serious pursuit of the abolition of house arrest and the release of political prisoners and the removal of bureaucratic and illegal obstacles to the activities of civil society organizations based on the principles of the Constitution
4- Pursuing the cancellation of the guidance patrol and the end of violence and insults to Iranian women, girls and young people

5- Establishing administrative-financial and economic transparency, intertwining corruption gangs, money laundering and embezzlement by joining the relevant international regulations
6- Economic planning with the participation of experts and academic specialists in order to curb rampant inflation and reduce poverty and social gaps.

7- Recognizing the independence and self-governance of the university according to the Law of Duties and Powers of the Ministry of Science and ensuring the privacy of scientific centers
8- Attracting fair and equal participation of women, followers of Iranian religions and ethnic groups in macro-management and national responsibilities.

9- Strict monitoring of the implementation of the principles of the Constitution in the three powers and, as the case may be, providing reminders and warnings to the violators of the Constitution.
10- Pursuing and creating the legal and social grounds for a referendum to amend and create structural changes in the constitution

Dr. Moin's channel

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