An industrialist's frank criticism in the presence of the president: It is not desirable for an industrialist to face 62 hours of electricity a week

1 minute
-Friday 2025/03/14 - 11:59
News Code:14953
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 Seyyed Sajjad Hashemi, a member of the Central Council of the Coordination Council of Industrial Estates, expressed the bitter realities of entrepreneurship and production in the presence of the President

 Seyyed Sajjad Hashemi, a member of the Central Council of the Coordination Council of Industrial Estates, in the presence of the President, expressed the bitter realities of entrepreneurship and production:

Pakdasht Industrial Estates (southeast of Tehran) pay 20 Hemmat in taxes. They pay the most taxes in the duty and value-added sector of industrial estates.

Industrial estates do not have a share of the added taxes paid, and our infrastructure has been destroyed.

Mr. President! It is not desirable for an industrialist to face a shortage of electricity for 62 hours a week. We want to work, but we don't have electricity.

We want neither roads nor roads! We want a safe environment for production.

Mr. President! Industrial estates should be considered as an infrastructure of the country. 

The law should not be implemented unilaterally, Articles 24 and 25 of the Law on Improving the Business Environment should be properly implemented.

Abbas Abad Industrial Park needs two 63 kilowatt substations.

Mr. President, you need an advisor for industrial estates.

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