A look at the fall in real wages from 2007 to today; at that time, the monthly salary was a gold coin!

1 minute
-Thursday 2025/03/13 - 12:48
News Code:14912
نگاهی به سقوط دستمزد واقعی از سال ۱۳۸۶ تا امروز

"Less than twenty years ago, a worker's wage was more than a gold coin;

 "Less than twenty years ago, a worker's wage was more than a gold coin, and with the basis of wages, one coin could be bought," says Nader Moradi, a labor activist, referring to the comparison between the purchasing power of wages in 2007 and today: in 2007, the minimum wage of workers was set at 183,000 tomans (equivalent to 61,000 rials per day), which included the right to children (for a maximum of two children), the right to housing, and food stamps, and the workers' income was 236,000 tomans He would have arrived.

In 2007, each minimum wage worker with all the accessories and benefits received a monthly salary of 236,000 tomans. At that time, the same base wage of 183,000 tomans was higher than the price of a gold coin! In 2007, the Bahar Azadi coin of the old design was priced at 172,000 Rials and the Bahar Azadi coin of the new design was 151,000 Rials.

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