Determining the official import quota for dhows

1 minute
-Thursday 2025/02/06 - 12:25
News Code:13023
 تعیین سهمیه واردات رسمی برای ته لنجی‌ها

Referring to the holding of the first meeting of the Working Group on Organizing Border Trade, the Director General of the Trade Development Organization said:

Referring to the holding of the first meeting of the Working Group on Organizing Border Trade, the Director General of the Trade Development Organization said: The issue of the official import quota of sailors and dhows was discussed.

The members of the working group agreed that the dhows that are present in the specified ports and whose list is registered with the Ports Organization should be allowed to make one trip for imports.

This license has been issued from the time of its notification, i.e., this month, until August of next year.

The sailor's quota is 7% of last year's imports, and at this stage, which is considered the first trip, there are no restrictions on the dhows, and sailors can decide on imports according to the capacity of their dhows.

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