Farid Modarressi, a journalist, published this photo on his birthday of the illness he is struggling with, writing: "The ability, motivation, and dream of reading, writing, and speaking have sunk into occultation for me.

1 minute
-Thursday 2024/12/19 - 13:09
News Code:10355
 فرید مدرسی، روزنامه نگار با انتشار این عکس در روز تولد خود از بیماری‌ای که با آن دست به گریبان است نوشته است: «توان، انگیزه و رؤیای خواندن، نوشتن و سخن‌رانی برایم در غیبت فرورفته؛ راهی به پیش ناگشوده و به پس ناممکن....

 And waiting for the lost future of a detached limb and a limb waiting for dying and indoctrination 

 And waiting for the lost future of a detached limb and an organ waiting for its dying and indoctrination. Fear, trembling, and apprehension are the "bridge of salvation from the fall", and sinking into the secret of the house, desolate and desolate... On December 16, 2024, my birthday, before my trip to Shiraz... Thanks to my wife Laila, my son Sadra in the presence of my mother."

Abdi Media wishes Mr. Farid Modarresi a speedy recovery.

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