The main architect of the "9/11 attacks" wants to confess. Why is the U.S. government trying to stop him?

1 minute
-Saturday 2025/01/11 - 17:24
News Code:11584
طراح اصلی «حملات ۱۱ سپتامبر» قصد دارد اعتراف کند. چرا دولت آمریکا تلاش می‌کند جلوی او را بگیرد؟

 More than 23 years after the 9/11 attacks, the main suspect, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

 More than 23 years after the 9/11 attacks, the main suspect, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was supposed to confess to his crime, but the court blocked that confession at the request of the US government.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was scheduled to give his confession in a war tribunal at the Guantanamo Bay naval base in southeastern Cuba, where he has been held in a military prison for nearly two decades.

Mohammed is Guantanamo's most notorious detainee and one of the last to be held at the facility.

A federal appeals court has temporarily blocked Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's confession at the request of the US government. Under the previous agreement, the confession would prevent him from being executed for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

The U.S. government has argued that these confessions will cause "irreparable harm" to the government and the people.

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