Greetings to you, Mr. Doctor, directly appointed judges are called "appointed"

1 minute
-Thursday 2024/10/10 - 23:03
News Code:4724
درود بر شما آقای دکتر، به قضات منصوب مستقیم رهبر و ولی امر «منصوب» میگویند

The rest of the judges are with the head of the judiciary and "Mazoon".

The special prosecutor general for the clergy "not the prosecutors of other judicial districts" is called "appointed prosecutor" because he must be a mujtahid and have special judgment conditions and is appointed by the leader's direct order.

The same is stated in the regulations approved by Ayatollah Khamenei for those authorities.

The head of the judiciary is also "appointed" and other judges are considered authorized through him.

good luck

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