Kamal Kharrazi's Letter to Ayatollah Khamenei Regarding Forced and Non-Compulsory Citizenship/ The Supreme Leader's Office Gave Ghalibaf Instructions.

1 minute
-Tuesday 2025/02/04 - 15:23
News Code:12924
نامه کمال خرازی به آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای درخصوص تابعیت قهری و غیرقهری/ دفتر رهبری دستوراتی به قالیباف داد

Kharrazi, the head of the Strategic Council for Foreign Relations, has written a letter to the Leader of the Revolution, expressing concerns about the attitude towards coercive and non-coercive citizenship.

Li Babaei Karnami, Chairman of the Social Commission of the Parliament:

Kharrazi, the head of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, has written a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and raised concerns about the attitude towards coercive and non-coercive citizenship.

In this regard, instructions have been given to the Speaker of Parliament by the Office of the Supreme Leader that the necessary measures should be taken in this regard, taking into account Mr. Kharrazi's letter. This issue is currently under consideration by the Administrative and Employment Committee of the Social Commission, and the final opinion of the Commission will be announced by Sunday of the next two weeks.

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